Three Good KPIs Are Enough to Drive for Results


More KPIs create confusion in the minds of your employees.

Many sports coaches will give a lot of information to their players in a time out, but they hold back the most important pieces until the end. Players will typically only remember the last thing they hear.  The same is true when it comes to your employees.  Having a lot of targets to hit in a given year can lead to frustration trying to understand what goal is most important, and balancing all of them with the company goals seems nearly impossible.

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Reexamining Performance Evaluations for the 21st Century

The modern workplace is not the one our grandparents knew, gone are the days when people and companies stayed committed for entire careers. The market dynamics has placed increased pressure on both companies and their employees resulting in constant change and consequently attrition. Those who don’t leave become burnt out.

So what can you do today that will make your employees feel valued?  The new employee evaluation is one of the big things.

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Great and Low Cost Ideas to Motivate Employees

You are a young manager and the times are tough, you need to keep your staff motivated during these rough patches, but you also don’t have a lot of money to offer big bonuses on anything to reward them.  Fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do that will help to motivate your employees without also making your finance department cringe.

Here are some ideas I like. Read more

Motivating Your Employees During Tough Times

Whether your company is facing high turnover, some difficult economic news, or something else entirely, you have some tough times to overcome.  Your employees will feel it, no matter how hard you try to shield them.  Simply sending them an email reminding them that things will be fine soon is not enough, nor is it personal enough to be comforting.  There are a few things you can do to help keep your employees motivated and productive during this time of change.

Every one of your employees is an individual, and each person will handle the stress of the situation in his or her own way.  No single approach will work for everyone. Depending on where your company is located and what it is going through, you may even need to bring in counselors for your employees – regardless of the  situation and complexity you will have to become a councilor yourself. Talk to your (key employees not necessarily the most senior) them about what is happening, and don’t be afraid to ask them what they want from you so they can keep going.

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